Dried berries wholesale suppliers

Dried berries wholesale have been able to achieve a high advantage by recognizing and analyzing the market. Dried berries are a product that can be produced with complete variety only in Iran and all its buyers from all over the world are aware of this issue. Most of the main cities for preparing dried berries are Mashhad, Yazd, Tehran and Isfahan. Kurdistan also produces dried berries in the corners of its cities. Of course, Mashhad city market is better known for supplying dried berries and its major sales center can be found very active in this part of the country.
Dried berries wholesale suppliers

what are Dried berries good for?

what are Dried berries good for? In addition to its antioxidant properties, dried strawberries, with their attractive color and unique aroma, give a special effect to your dried fruit basket. Dried berries are one of the most popular and healthy fruits on earth. It also seems to have many health benefits. Today there are more than 600 varieties of strawberries. Sweet and slightly spicy strawberries are among the top 10 fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants.

A study conducted at Harvard University shows that regular use of anticyanins can reduce the risk of heart attack by 32% in young and middle-aged women. Women who eat strawberries or blueberries at least three times a week get the most out of it. The quercetin flavonoid in strawberries is a natural anti-inflammatory that appears to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and protect against damage caused by LDL cholesterol.

The high polyphenol content of Dried berries can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing platelet production and lowering blood pressure through anti-inflammatory mechanisms. The fiber and potassium in strawberries also help with heart health. In one study, participants who consumed large amounts of potassium a day had a 49 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who consumed less potassium.dried fruit distributor Has been able to make high profits in this area. By knowing the various cultivars of dried berries and the quality of their grading, buyers with more knowledge can buy dried berries.  dried fruit wholesale By offering quality products, it has been able to achieve customer satisfaction.

Dried berries at wholesale price

Dried berries at wholesale price

The main dried berry sales center of our company offers this product in different varieties and with various qualities in the dried fruit market.
Usually, most buyers of dried berries are not aware of its various types and varieties and only ask the seller to give them high quality dried berries at the time of purchase.
Dried berries have various varieties, each of which is produced in a region of the country and is also known as the same region.

  • Mashhad official dried berries are produced in Mashhad and surrounding areas, especially Torqabeh.
  • Dried berries or Bukhara, which is also related to Mashhad and its surroundings.
  • Yazdi dried berries that are available in and around Yazd.
  • Dried berries that are grown in the west of the country and the provinces of Kurdistan and Kermanshah.

Each of the above cultivars is packaged in various grades in terms of quality.

  •  luxury
  • Classy 
  • grade two
  • Special for taking berry juice

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