Prices and Exporters of Iranian Almonds

The cultivators and exporters of Iranian Almonds have recently tried to distribute their products internationally by decreasing their prices and preserving their quality. Iran is known to be the original land of almonds. However, it has not yet claimed its worthy place. Aside from political and economic issues, there are many domestic problems that prevent this streak of almonds from being sufficiently supplied internationally.

Moreover, Spanish and American almonds have successfully penetrated the global market because of their lower prices and better-supplying channels. In contrast, due to the scarcity and low production of Iranian almonds, they are so expensive and deficiently supplied.

Iranian Almonds

However, recently Iranian cultivators, merchants, and exporters have tried to tackle these problems and bridge the gap between the farmers and international consumers. They are also trying to re-introduce Iranian almonds to the world, devising new nomenclatures and categories—the same as those of American and Spanish. In this way, it is easier for international customers to become acquainted with Iranian almonds, understanding their quality, price, nutritional value, and the channels to purchase them. Following these activities, the government of Iran is also trying to promote the cultivation of Iranian almonds. Particularly they are helping the farmers and cultivators to grow almonds in collective large fields.

Iranian Almonds

Iranian Almonds Vs American Almonds

One of the questions that would come into mind when considering the Iranian almonds is the difference between these almonds and those of Americans. Since American almonds are the most popular kinds worldwide and are found in abundance, it might be good to compare Iranian almonds with them. In this respect, we will have a better understanding of different Iranian almonds.

American almonds are known for their different sizes, hardness of shell and kernel, and taste. There are mainly five kinds of American, or by the name of their state, California almonds. As its name might indicate, the most popular and distinguishing of them is Nonpareil. The color of Nonpareil’s kernel is bright and they have a very thin shell which is like those of paper almonds. Iranian Mamra is the closest kind to Nonpareil. The color of these kinds is bright and their shell is thinner than other Iranian almonds. Due to its importance, the Mamra almond will be explained in detail in the next section. Also like that of Iranian Mamra is the American Carmel with a soft Kernel. Although the shell of Carmel is harder, it is still considered a thin kind.

Iranian Almonds

Another type of California almond is Butte. The shell of this kind of almond is slightly harder, making them a medium-hard almond. Having a wider and rounder form, their shape is also different. The most approximate kind of Iranian almond to Butte is Shahroudi. Although the shape of Sharoudi almonds is oval and the surface of their kernel is softer, the shell of this almond is almost as hard as those of the American Butte. Moreover, another kind of Iranian almond whose shell’s hardness is medium and whose kernel is soft is Rabiee. California Peerless’s shell is the hardest among American almonds. The Kernel of this kind is almost like a square with a slippery surface. Iranian Sangi almonds are approximately like American Peerless. The shell of this kind of Iranian almond is also the hardest among other kinds, and their kernel has a smoother surface. However, their kernel is hard and thus crunchier.

Iranian Almonds

Mamra Almonds

Iranian Mamra almonds or Badam are reputed as the best almonds in the world. Thus, the name Mamra is often used as a connotation for Iranian Almond. What has made this streak of almond so popular is its high nutritional value and oil. The oil of Mamra almond is being used for the production of different kinds of soaps and creams. They also have a particular shape with their surface being concave. The kernel of this Iranian Mamra is soft and it has a sweet taste. It is also popular for its amazing aroma which can be used as a cure for some respiratory diseases. Hence, Iranian Mamra is the most expensive almond in the international market.


However, the high price of Iranian Mamra is also due to other factors. Mamra trees, for example, grow in cold and dry circumstances. Since finding such a condition is hard, Mamra almonds are being produced only in a few regions in Iran. The lack of using new agricultural technologies is also affecting the price of Iranian Mamra almonds. The other factor that is enormously impacting the price of this almond is the lack of proper cooperation between its cultivators and suppliers, particularly in comparison to California and Spanish almonds. This issue has caused an array of problems such as the irregularities of Iranian Mamra seeds, illicit trade, and stunted output.


Iranian Almonds Exporters

One of the issues that the production of Iranian almonds face is the lack of a string of exporters for its international marketization and distribution. This deficiency has led many cultivators to abandon the expansion of their line of production. Hence, the international demand for Iranian almonds is not perfectly addressed. Fortunately, these chains of exporters are growing in Iran and some of the cultivators are trying to make their almonds appropriate for exportation. For example, the exporters of Iranian almonds are trying to address the need of the international market in terms of quality, packaging, payment, and delivery, to the extent that the type of packaging can be specifically customized by customers.


Our company has been particularly active in making connections throughout Iran to sufficiently be able to supply the demand of the international market for Iranian almonds. We are also trying to build a network to facilitate the interaction and cooperation between cultivators, producers, and exporters of the Iranian almonds. Thus, we are now capable of providing these almonds at virtually half of the price of the international market and with the best possible quality. Please contact us for further information and the wholesale price of different kinds of Iranian almonds.



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